What's New In Aiveo 1.28


Aiveo version 1.28 was released today.  In this release, comments can now be sorted, time spent by a specific user can be shown, and feedback submission has been moved.

Sort Comments

Comments seen when viewing a work item can now be sorted by oldest first or newest first.  Your preferred sort order for comments will be remembered for the next time you visit any work item's page.

Show Time Spent By User On Time Summary

The time spent by a specific user can now be shown on the time summary page.

Feedback Submission

Feedback can now be submitted from the top menu bar as illustrated below.  

We are moving away from the existing feedback system primarily to make giving feedback more simple.  Using the new feedback window, only a description of your suggestion, comment, or bug report is needed.

Thanks to everyone who has provided feedback on Aiveo!  If you have any questions or comments, please let us know.