What's New in Aiveo 1.0.5


We have released version 1.0.5 of Aiveo and with this version, we are pleased to announce that Aiveo is now free for everybody that signs up, forever. That's right, forever. We gave this decision a lot of thought and ultimately our goal with Aiveo is to provide developers, like ourselves, better tools to build higher quality software. We may reintroduce the paid plans in the future, but anybody who signs up now will continue to get Aiveo for free. We hope you all take advantage of this opportunity.

In addition to making Aiveo free, we've introduced a preview for our new work item board. This was a highly desired feature and we are hoping to get lots of feedback on how to make it awesome.

We hope you all appreciate the changes we've made and as always, if you have any questions or concerns, comment on this article or contact us via the contact page.